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Turning, Combining & Dividing Screws

Turning, combining, and dividing screws are timing screws that are designed to perform special functions on your production line. They can significantly increase your efficiency and production performance and have a huge positive impact on your bottom line.

Turning screws rotate your containers from 90 to 180 degrees for specific operations. Combining screws help you merge two lines of containers into a single line while dividing screws divide a single line of containers into two or more lanes. Dividing a single line into multiple lanes can be incredibly useful in operations of packing multiple cases.

Change Parts, Inc. has top-notch turning, combining, and dividing screws at your disposal. We can easily customize them for your unique system and container requirements, so that your containers always travel smoothly down the production line and into the packaging machines, without any risk of damage.

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Change Parts, Inc.

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